

Licensing Agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”) is entered into by and between the buyer (hereinafter “Buyer”, “Buyers”) and Growww (hereinafter “the Company”), and shall be effective as of the moment the Buyer clicks the button PLACE ORDER to purchase digital assets (hereinafter “Product”, “Products”), displayed on Growwwkit.com (hereinafter “the Website”).

Licensing Agreement governs the relationship between the parties, the Buyer and the Company, and in no communication or other exchange, can the terms of this Agreement be modified.

The Relationship Between the Buyer and the Company

The Agreement is contracted between the Buyer and the Company.

The Company is authorized to distribute Products to multiple Buyers. By purchasing the Products, the Buyer is granted a license to use the purchased files for specific uses and under certain conditions. All rights granted to the Buyers are contractual in nature and are defined by this Licensing Agreement.

Cancellation of the Agreement

Cancellation of the Agreement may occur when the Buyer requests a refund, by sending an email to hello@growwwkit.com. The application will be inspected thoroughly, and the Buyer will be notified whether the Company accepted or denied the request.

the Buyer can request a refund in the following situations:
- When there was a misrepresentation in the Product description.
- When the Buyer is not satisfied with the Product quality. In such a case, the Buyer needs to provide a thorough explanation about the Product quality and include the description in the refund request.

If the refund request is accepted, the Buyer will be sent an email that contains actions the Buyer needs to take to complete the refund process. Once the process is completed, Cancellation of the Agreement is effective immediately, and the Buyer no longer owns a license and the rights to use the Products.

Company Obligations

The Company is obligated to ensure that the Products Buyers purchased are in standard formats and at a resolution that the Company determined to be suitable for the Products as licensed. Standard formats and dimensions of each Product have to be mentioned explicitly on the Product page. Additionally, the Company is obligated to display visibly purchase prices, allowing the Buyer to be familiar with the price of the Products before purchasing the Product and continuing with the payment. The Company determines the purchase prices suitable for the Products as licensed.

The purchase price can be overridden during purchase entry when the Buyer is given a discount code that changes the initial purchase price. If the Buyer is not able to proceed with the payment for any given reason, and therefore, is not able to purchase the Products, Licensing Agreement will not be considered valid nor effective.


The Buyer does not have the rights to redistribute, resell, lease, license, sub-license, or offer purchased Products to any third party.

Buyers’ Rights

All copyright and ownership rights of the Products remain the exclusive property of the Company until the Buyer purchases a Product or Products. By purchasing Products, the Buyer is entitled to a license that provides limited rights to reproduce, publicly display, and distribute Products.

The Buyer may purchase and use the Products provided that:
- Product use does not involve collective use.
- Products are used in a manner that is suggested by the Company and stated on the Website.
- Products are not used or included in any database, archive, library, and intended to be used for redistribution or resale.
- Products are not used in any trademark or logo.
- Products are not used in a manner that could be considered illegal, immoral, or offensive (e.g., used in pornography, political endorsements, birth control products, etc.).
- Products are not used in a manner that could compromise a person, sex, race, culture, religion, country, region, town, or any other place.

Products used for other purposes outside of the previously mentioned terms must be used with the express permission of the Company, which can include the payment of additional fees.

Products can be modified according to the requirements of the Buyer’s personal or commercial projects. Additionally, the Buyer is not required to attribute or link to the Website when reproducing and publicly displaying a Product or Products for both personal or commercial projects.
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